Source code for zBuilder.zMaya

import re

import maya.cmds as mc
import maya.mel as mm
import maya.OpenMaya as om

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

""" All available ziva nodes to be able to cleanup. """

[docs]def get_mesh_connectivity(mesh_name): """ Gets mesh connectivity for given mesh. Args: mesh_name: Name of mesh to process. Returns: dict: Dictionary of polygonCounts, polygonConnects, and points. """ space = om.MSpace.kWorld mesh_to_rebuild_m_dag_path = get_mdagpath_from_mesh(mesh_name) mesh_to_rebuild_m_dag_path.extendToShape() mesh_to_rebuild_poly_iter = om.MItMeshPolygon(mesh_to_rebuild_m_dag_path) mesh_to_rebuild_vert_iter = om.MItMeshVertex(mesh_to_rebuild_m_dag_path) num_polygons = 0 num_vertices = 0 # vertexArray_mFloatPointArray = om.MFloatPointArray() # polygonCounts_mIntArray = om.MIntArray() polygon_counts_list = list() polygon_connects_list = list() point_list = list() while not mesh_to_rebuild_vert_iter.isDone(): num_vertices += 1 pos_m_point = mesh_to_rebuild_vert_iter.position(space) pos_m_float_point = om.MFloatPoint(pos_m_point.x, pos_m_point.y, pos_m_point.z) point_list.append([ pos_m_float_point[0], pos_m_float_point[1], pos_m_float_point[2] ]) while not mesh_to_rebuild_poly_iter.isDone(): num_polygons += 1 polygon_vertices_m_int_array = om.MIntArray() mesh_to_rebuild_poly_iter.getVertices(polygon_vertices_m_int_array) for vertexIndex in polygon_vertices_m_int_array: polygon_connects_list.append(vertexIndex) polygon_counts_list.append(polygon_vertices_m_int_array.length()) tmp = dict() tmp['polygonCounts'] = polygon_counts_list tmp['polygonConnects'] = polygon_connects_list tmp['points'] = point_list return tmp
[docs]def check_body_type(bodies): """ Checks if given bodies are either zTissue, zCloth and or zBone. Mostly used to see if we can create a zAttachment before we try. Additionally does a check if all objects exist in scene. Args: bodies (list): List of bodies we want to check type of. Returns: (bool): True if all bodies pass test, else False. """ sel = for body in bodies: if not mc.objExists(body): return False bt = mm.eval('zQuery -bt') if len(bt) == len(bodies): return True else: return False
[docs]def get_type(body): """ Really light wrapper for getting type of maya node. Ya, I know. Args: body (str): Maya node to get type of Returns: str: String of node type. """ try: return mc.objectType(body) except: pass
[docs]def clean_scene(): """ Deletes all ziva nodes in scene. Effectively cleaning it up. """ for node in ZNODES: in_scene = if len(in_scene) > 0: mc.delete(in_scene)
[docs]def get_zSolver(body): """ Gets zSolver in scene. Args: body: Maya node to find associated solver. Returns: returns long name of zSolver. """ sel =, r=True) solver = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zSolver" -l'), r=True) return solver
[docs]def get_zSolverTransform(body): """ Gets zSolverTransform in scene. Args: body: Maya node to find associated solverTransform. Returns: returns long name of zSolverTransform. """ sel =, r=True) solver = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zSolverTransform" -l'), r=True) return solver
[docs]def get_zAttachments(bodies): """ Gets zAttachments in scene. Args: body: Maya node to find associated zAttachments. Returns: string of name of zAttachments. """ sel =, r=True) attachments = mm.eval('zQuery -t zAttachment'), r=True) if attachments: return list(set(attachments)) else: return []
[docs]def isSolver(selection): """ Checks if passed is zSolver or zSolverTransform. Args: selection: Item of interest. Returns: True if it is solver, else false. """ isSolver = False for s in selection: if mc.objectType(s) == 'zSolver' or mc.objectType( s) == 'zSolverTransform': isSolver = True continue return isSolver
[docs]def get_zBones(bodies): """ Gets zBones in scene. Args: body: Maya node to find associated zBones. Returns: string of name of zBones. """ sel = if isSolver(sel): bones = mm.eval('zQuery -t zBone') if bones: return bones else: return [] else: attachments = get_zAttachments(bodies) bones = [] if attachments: for attachment in attachments: mesh1 = mm.eval('zQuery -as -l "' + attachment + '"') mesh2 = mm.eval('zQuery -at -l "' + attachment + '"'), mesh2, r=True) tmp = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zBone"') if tmp: bones.extend(tmp) #,r=True), r=True) if len(bones) > 0: return list(set(bones)) else: return []
[docs]def get_zTets(bodies): """ Gets zTets in scene. Args: body: Maya node to find associated zTets. Returns: string of name of zTets. """ sel =, r=True) zTets = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zTet"'), r=True) if zTets: return zTets else: return []
[docs]def get_zTissues(bodies): """ Gets zTissues in scene. Args: body: Maya node to find associated zTissues. Returns: string of name of zTissues. """ sel =, r=True) zTissues = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zTissue"'), r=True) if zTissues: return zTissues else: return []
[docs]def get_zMaterials(bodies): """ Gets zmaterials in scene. Args: body: Maya node to find associated zMaterials. Returns: string of name of zmaterials. """ sel =, r=True) zMaterial = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zMaterial"'), r=True) if zMaterial: return zMaterial else: return []
[docs]def get_zFibers(bodies): """ Gets zFibers in scene. Args: body: Maya node to find associated zFibers. Returns: string of name of zFibers. """ sel =, r=True) zFibers = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zFiber"'), r=True) if zFibers: return zFibers else: return []
[docs]def get_zCloth(bodies): """ Gets zCloth in scene. Args: body: Maya node to find associated zCloth. Returns: string of name of zCloth. """ sel =, r=True) zCloth = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zCloth"'), r=True) if zCloth: return zCloth else: return []
[docs]def get_zTet_user_mesh(zTet): """ Gets the user tet mesh hooked up to a given zTet in any. Args: zTet (string): the zTet to query. Returns: str: User tet mesh. """ if mc.objExists(zTet + '.iTet'): mesh = mc.listConnections(zTet + '.iTet') if mesh: return[0], l=True)[0] else: return mesh return None
[docs]def get_fiber_lineofaction(zFiber): """ Gets the zLineOfAction node hooked up to a given zFiber in any. Args: zFiber (string): the zFiber to query. Returns: str: zLineOfAction """ if mc.objExists(zFiber + '.iLineOfActionData'): conn = mc.listConnections(zFiber + '.iLineOfActionData') if conn: return conn[0] else: return None else: return None
[docs]def get_lineOfAction_fiber(zlineofaction): """ Gets the zFiber node hooked up to a given zLineOfAction in any. Args: zlineofaction (string): the zLineOfAction to query. Returns: str: Name of zFiber hooked up to lineOfAction """ if mc.objExists(zlineofaction + '.oLineOfActionData'): conn = mc.listConnections(zlineofaction + '.oLineOfActionData') if conn: return conn[0] else: return None else: return None
[docs]def get_association(zNode): """ Gets an association of given zNode args: zNode (string): the zNode to find association of. """ _type = mc.objectType(zNode) if _type == 'zAttachment': tmp = [] tmp.extend(mm.eval('zQuery -as -l "' + zNode + '"')) tmp.extend(mm.eval('zQuery -at -l "' + zNode + '"')) #,r=True) return tmp elif _type == 'zLineOfAction': tmp = mc.listConnections(zNode + '.curves') return tmp elif _type == 'zEmbedder': # empty list for embedder return list() else: cmd = 'zQuery -t "%s" -l -m "%s"' % (_type, zNode) if _type in ['zSolverTransform', 'zSolver']: return [] else: mesh = mm.eval(cmd) return mesh
[docs]def rename_ziva_nodes(replace=['_muscle', '_bone']): """ Renames zNodes based on mesh it's connected to. args: replace (list): subset of mesh name to replace with zNode name * zFiber: <meshName>_zFiber * zMaterial: <meshName>_zMaterial * zTet: <meshName>_zTet * zTissue: <meshName>_zTissue * zBone: <meshName>_zBone * zCloth: <meshName>_zCloth * zAttachment: <sourceMesh>__<destinationMesh>_zAttachment """ sel = solver = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zSolver"') zNodes = ['zTissue', 'zTet', 'zMaterial', 'zFiber', 'zBone', 'zCloth'] for zNode in zNodes: items = mm.eval('zQuery -t "{}" {}'.format(zNode, solver[0])) if items: for item in items: mesh = mm.eval('zQuery -t "{}" -m "{}"'.format(zNode, item))[0] for r in replace: mesh = mesh.replace(r, '') if item != '{}_{}'.format(mesh, zNode): mc.rename(item, '{}_{}tmp'.format(mesh, zNode)) # looping through this twice to get around how maya renames stuff items = mm.eval('zQuery -t "{}" {}'.format(zNode, solver[0])) if items: for item in items: mesh = mm.eval('zQuery -t "{}" -m "{}"'.format(zNode, item))[0] for r in replace: mesh = mesh.replace(r, '') if item != '{}_{}'.format(mesh, zNode): mc.rename(item, '{}_{}'.format(mesh, zNode)) print 'rename: ', item, '{}_{}'.format(mesh, zNode) # for now doing an ls type for lineOfActions until with have zQuery support loas ='zLineOfAction') if loas: for loa in loas: crv = mc.listConnections(loa + '.oLineOfActionData') if crv: mc.rename(loa, crv[0].replace('_zFiber', '_zLineOfAction')) attachments = mm.eval('zQuery -t "{}" {}'.format('zAttachment', solver[0])) if attachments: for attachment in attachments: s = mm.eval('zQuery -as {}'.format(attachment))[0] for r in replace: s = s.replace(r, '') t = mm.eval('zQuery -at {}'.format(attachment))[0] for r in replace: t = t.replace(r, '') if attachment != '{}__{}_{}'.format(s, t, 'zAttachment'): mc.rename(attachment, '{}__{}_{}'.format(s, t, 'zAttachment')) print 'rename: ', attachment, '{}__{}_{}'.format(s, t, 'zAttachment')'finished renaming.... ')
[docs]def select_tissue_meshes(): """ Selects all zTissues in scene """ meshes = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zTissue" -m')
[docs]def get_mdagpath_from_mesh(mesh_name): """ Maya stuff, getting the dagpath from a mesh name Args: mesh_name: The mesh to get dagpath from. """ mesh_m_dag_path = om.MDagPath() sel_list = om.MSelectionList() sel_list.add(mesh_name) sel_list.getDagPath(0, mesh_m_dag_path) return mesh_m_dag_path
[docs]def get_name_from_m_object(m_object, long_name=True): """ Gets maya scene name from given mObject. Args: m_object: The m_object to get name from. long_name: Returns long name. Default = ``True`` Returns: str: Maya object name. """ if m_object.hasFn(om.MFn.kDagNode): dagpath = om.MDagPath() om.MFnDagNode(m_object).getPath(dagpath) if long_name: name = dagpath.fullPathName() else: name = dagpath.partialPathName() else: name = om.MFnDependencyNode(m_object).name() return name
[docs]def check_mesh_quality(meshes): """ Light wrapper around checking mesh quality. args: meshes (list): A list of meshes you want to check Raises: StandardError: If any mesh does not pass mesh check """ tmp = [] for s in meshes:, r=True) mm.eval('ziva -mq') sel2 = if sel2[0] != s: tmp.extend(sel2) if tmp: raise StandardError, 'check meshes!' else:
[docs]def check_maya_node(maya_node): """ Args: maya_node: Returns: """ if isinstance(maya_node, list): return maya_node[0] else: return maya_node
[docs]def parse_maya_node_for_selection(args): """ This is used to check passed args in a function to see if they are valid maya objects in the current scene. If any of the passed names are not in the it raises a StandardError. If nothing is passed it looks at what is actively selected in scene to get selection. This way it functions like a lot of the maya tools, uses what is passed OR it uses what is selected. Args: args: The args to test Returns: (list) maya selection """ selection = None if len(args) > 0: if isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)): selection = args[0] else: selection = [args[0]] tmp = [] # check if it exists and get long name---------------------------------- for sel in selection: if mc.objExists(sel): tmp.extend(, l=True)) else: raise StandardError, '{} does not exist in scene, stopping!'.format( sel) selection = tmp # if nothing valid has been passed then we check out active selection in # maya. if not selection: selection =, l=True) # if still nothing is selected then we raise an error if not selection: raise StandardError, 'Nothing selected or passed, please select something and try again.' return selection
[docs]def build_attr_list(selection, attr_filter=None): """ Builds a list of attributes to store values for. It is looking at keyable attributes and if they are in channelBox. Args: attr_filter: selection (str): maya object to find attributes returns: list: list of attributes names """ # exclude = ['controlPoints', 'uvSet', 'colorSet', 'weightList', 'pnts', # 'vertexColor', 'target'] tmps = mc.listAttr(selection, k=True) cb = mc.listAttr(selection, cb=True) if cb: tmps.extend(mc.listAttr(selection, cb=True)) attrs = [] if tmps: for attr in tmps: obj = '{}.{}'.format(selection, attr) if mc.objExists(obj): type_ = mc.getAttr(obj, type=True) if not type_ == 'TdataCompound': attrs.append(attr) # if not attr.split('.')[0] in exclude: # attrs.append(attr) if attr_filter: # attrs = list(set(attrs).intersection(attr_filter)) attrs = attr_filter return attrs
[docs]def build_attr_key_values(selection, attr_list): """ Builds a dictionary of attribute key/values. Stores the value, type, and locked status. Args: selection: Items to save attrbutes for. attr_list: List of attributes to save. Returns: dict: of attribute values. """ attr_dict = {} for attr in attr_list: obj = '{}.{}'.format(selection, attr) for item in type_ = mc.getAttr(item, type=True) if not type_ == 'TdataCompound': attr_dict[attr] = {} attr_dict[attr]['type'] = type_ attr_dict[attr]['value'] = mc.getAttr(item) attr_dict[attr]['locked'] = mc.getAttr(item, lock=True) attr_dict[attr]['alias'] = mc.aliasAttr(obj, q=True) return attr_dict
[docs]def replace_long_name(search, replace, long_name): """ does a search and replace on a long name. It splits it up by ('|') then performs it on each piece Args: search (str): search term replace (str): replace term long_name (str): the long name to perform action on returns: str: result of search and replace """ items = long_name.split('|') new_name = '' for i in items: if i: i = re.sub(search, replace, i) if '|' in long_name: new_name += '|' + i else: new_name += i #if new_name != long_name: #'replacing name: {} {}'.format(long_name, new_name)) return new_name
[docs]def replace_dict_keys(search, replace, dictionary): """ Does a search and replace on dictionary keys Args: search (:obj:`str`): search term replace (:obj:`str`): replace term dictionary (:obj:`dict`): the dictionary to do search on Returns: :obj:`dict`: result of search and replace """ tmp = {} for key in dictionary: new = replace_long_name(search, replace, key) tmp[new] = dictionary[key] return tmp
[docs]def cull_creation_nodes(parameters, permissive=True): """ To help speed up the build of a Ziva setup we are creating the bones and the tissues with one command. Given a list of zBuilder nodes this checks if a given node needs to be created in scene. Checks to see if it already exists or if associated mesh is missing. Either case it culls it from list. Args: permissive (bool): parameters (object): the zBuilder nodes to check. Returns: dict: Dictionary of non culled """ results = dict() results['meshes'] = [] results['names'] = [] results['parameters'] = [] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # check meshes for existing zBones or zTissue for i, parameter in enumerate(parameters): type_ = parameter.type mesh = parameter.association[0] name = if mc.objExists(mesh): existing = mm.eval('zQuery -t "{}" {}'.format(type_, mesh)) if existing: out = mc.rename(existing, name) parameter.mobject = out else: results['meshes'].append(mesh) results['names'].append(name) results['parameters'].append(parameter) else: if not permissive: raise StandardError('{} does not exist in scene. Trying to make a {}. Please check meshes.'.format(mesh, type_)) logger.warning( mesh + ' does not exist in scene, skipping ' + type_ + ' creation') return results
[docs]def check_map_validity(map_parameters): """ This checks the map validity for zAttachments and zFibers. For zAttachments it checks if all the values are zero. If so it failed and turns off the associated zTissue node. For zFibers it checks to make sure there are at least 1 value of 0 and 1 value of .5 within a .1 threshold. If not that fails and turns off the zTissue Args: map_parameters: map parameters to check. Returns: list of offending maps """ sel = report = [] for parameter in map_parameters: if mc.objExists( map_type = mc.objectType( if map_type == 'zAttachment': values = parameter.values if all(v == 0 for v in values): report.append( dg_node ='.')[0] tissue = mm.eval('zQuery -type zTissue {}'.format(dg_node)) mc.setAttr('{}.enable'.format(tissue[0]), 0) if map_type == 'zFiber' and 'endPoints' in values = parameter.values upper = False lower = False if any(0 <= v <= .1 for v in values): lower = True if any(.9 <= v <= 1 for v in values): upper = True if not upper or not lower: report.append( dg_node ='.')[0] tissue = mm.eval('zQuery -type zTissue {}'.format(dg_node)) mc.setAttr('{}.enable'.format(tissue[0]), 0) if report:'Check these maps: {}'.format(report)) return report