Source code for zBuilder.parameters.maps

import maya.cmds as mc
import maya.mel as mm
import maya.OpenMaya as om

import zBuilder.zMaya as mz
from zBuilder.nodes.base import Base
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Map(Base): type = 'map' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._mesh = None #: list of str: Doc comment *before* attribute, with type specified self.values = None """str: Docstring *after* attribute, with type specified.""" self.map_type = None Base.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if args: map_name = args[0] mesh_name = args[1] if map_name and mesh_name: self.populate(map_name, mesh_name) def __str__(self): if name = output = '' output += '= {} <{} {}> ==================================\n'.format(name,self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) for key in self.__dict__: if key == 'values': output += '\t{} - [{},....]\n'.format(key, self.__dict__[key][0]) else: output += '\t{} - {}\n'.format(key, self.__dict__[key]) return output return '<%s.%s>' % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) def __repr__(self): name = if self.values: length = len(self.values) else: length = 'null' output = '' output += '< MAP: {} -- length: {} >'.format(name, length) return output
[docs] def populate(self, map_name=None, mesh_name=None): """ Populate node with that from the maya scene. Args: map_name: Name of map to populate it with. mesh_name: Name of mesh to populate it with. """ map_type = mc.objectType(map_name) weight_value = get_weights(map_name, mesh_name) = map_name self.set_mesh(mesh_name) self.type = 'map' self.values = weight_value self.map_type = map_type
#'Retrieving Data : {}'.format(self))
[docs] def set_mesh(self, mesh): """ Stores the mesh name. Args: mesh: The mesh name to store. """ self._mesh = mesh
[docs] def get_mesh(self, long_name=False): """ Gets the stores name of the mesh associated with map. Args: long_name: Returns long name. Default to ``False`` Returns: Name of mesh. """ if self._mesh: if long_name: return self._mesh else: return self._mesh.split('|')[-1] else: return None
[docs] def get_mesh_component(self): """ Gets the mesh data object. Returns: zBuilder data object of mesh. """ mesh_name = self.get_mesh(long_name=False) mesh_data = self.builder.get_scene_items(type_filter='mesh', name_filter=mesh_name)[0] return mesh_data
[docs] def is_topologically_corresponding(self): """ Checks if mesh ih data object is corresponding with mesh in scene. Returns: True if they are, else False. """ mesh_data = self.get_mesh_component() return mesh_data.is_topologically_corresponding()
[docs] def interpolate(self): """ Interpolates map against mesh in scene. Re-sets value.""" mesh_data = self.get_mesh_component()'interpolating map: {}'.format( created_mesh = mesh_data.build_mesh() weight_list = interpolate_values(created_mesh,, self.values) self.values = weight_list mc.delete(created_mesh)
[docs]def get_weights(map_name, mesh_name): """ Gets the weights for the map. Args: map_name: Map to get weights from. mesh_name: Mesh to check vert count. Returns: value of map Raises: ValueError: if there is a problem getting map. """ vert_count = mc.polyEvaluate(mesh_name, v=True) try: value = mc.getAttr('{}[0:{}]'.format(map_name, vert_count - 1)) except ValueError: value = mc.getAttr(map_name) return value
[docs]def interpolate_values(source_mesh, destination_mesh, weight_list): """ Description: Will transfer values between similar meshes with differing topology. Lerps values from triangleIndex of closest point on mesh. Accepts: sourceMeshName, destinationMeshName - strings for each mesh transform Returns: """ source_mesh_m_dag_path = mz.get_mdagpath_from_mesh(source_mesh) destination_mesh_m_dag_path = mz.get_mdagpath_from_mesh(destination_mesh) source_mesh_shape_m_dag_path = om.MDagPath(source_mesh_m_dag_path) source_mesh_shape_m_dag_path.extendToShape() source_mesh_m_mesh_intersector = om.MMeshIntersector() source_mesh_m_mesh_intersector.create(source_mesh_shape_m_dag_path.node()) destination_mesh_m_it_mesh_vertex = om.MItMeshVertex( destination_mesh_m_dag_path) source_mesh_m_it_mesh_polygon = om.MItMeshPolygon(source_mesh_m_dag_path) u_util = om.MScriptUtil() v_util = om.MScriptUtil() u_util_ptr = u_util.asFloatPtr() v_util_ptr = v_util.asFloatPtr() int_util = om.MScriptUtil() interpolated_weights = list() while not destination_mesh_m_it_mesh_vertex.isDone(): closest_m_point_on_mesh = om.MPointOnMesh() source_mesh_m_mesh_intersector.getClosestPoint( destination_mesh_m_it_mesh_vertex.position(om.MSpace.kWorld), closest_m_point_on_mesh ) source_mesh_m_it_mesh_polygon.setIndex( closest_m_point_on_mesh.faceIndex(), int_util.asIntPtr() ) triangle_m_point_array = om.MPointArray() triangle_m_int_array = om.MIntArray() source_mesh_m_it_mesh_polygon.getTriangle( closest_m_point_on_mesh.triangleIndex(), triangle_m_point_array, triangle_m_int_array, om.MSpace.kWorld ) closest_m_point_on_mesh.getBarycentricCoords( u_util_ptr, v_util_ptr ) weights = list() for i in xrange(3): vertex_id_int = triangle_m_int_array[i] weights.append(weight_list[vertex_id_int]) bary_u = u_util.getFloat(u_util_ptr) bary_v = v_util.getFloat(v_util_ptr) bary_w = 1 - bary_u - bary_v interp_weight = (bary_u * weights[0]) + (bary_v * weights[1]) + (bary_w * weights[2]) interpolated_weights.append(interp_weight) return interpolated_weights