Source code for zBuilder.nodes.ziva.zMaterial

import maya.cmds as mc
import maya.mel as mm
import zBuilder.zMaya as mz

from zBuilder.nodes import Ziva
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MaterialNode(Ziva): """ This node for storing information related to zMaterials. """ type = 'zMaterial' """ The type of node. """ MAP_LIST = ['weightList[0].weights'] """ List of maps to store. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Ziva.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def build(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Builds the zMaterial in maya scene. Args: attr_filter (dict): Attribute filter on what attributes to get. dictionary is key value where key is node type and value is list of attributes to use. tmp = {'zSolver':['substeps']} interp_maps (str): Interpolating maps. Defaults to ``auto`` permissive (bool): Pass on errors. Defaults to ``True`` """ attr_filter = kwargs.get('attr_filter', list()) permissive = kwargs.get('permissive', True) interp_maps = kwargs.get('interp_maps', 'auto') # - check for existing materials on associated mesh for each material # - check amount of materials on mesh in zBuilder data # - name existing ones same as in data # - build remaining # - set attrs and weights # get mesh name and node name from data name = mesh = self.association[0] #'creating material {}'.format(name)) if mc.objExists(mesh): # get exsisting node names in scene on specific mesh and in data existing_materials = mm.eval( 'zQuery -t zMaterial {}'.format(mesh)) data_materials = self.builder.bundle.get_scene_items(type_filter='zMaterial', association_filter=mesh) d_index = data_materials.index(self) # if there are enough existing materials use those # or else create a new material if d_index < len(existing_materials): self.mobject = existing_materials[d_index] mc.rename(existing_materials[d_index], name) else:, r=True) results = mm.eval('ziva -m') self.mobject = results[0] mc.rename(results[0], name) else: logger.warning( mesh + ' does not exist in scene, skipping zMaterial creation') # set the attributes self.set_maya_attrs(attr_filter=attr_filter) self.set_maya_weights(interp_maps=interp_maps)