Source code for zBuilder.nodes.deformers.wrap

import logging
import maya.cmds as mc
import maya.mel as mm

from zBuilder.nodes.deformer import Deformer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Wrap(Deformer): type = 'wrap' # MAP_LIST = ['weightList[0].weights']
[docs] def build(self, *args, **kwargs): # interp_maps = kwargs.get('interp_maps', 'auto') attr_filter = kwargs.get('attr_filter', None) name = self.get_scene_name() if not mc.objExists(name):, r=True) version = 7 operation = 1 # create threshold = 0 maxDist = 1 inflType = 2 # 1, poitn 2 face exclusiveBind = 1 # bind algorythem(1-smooth,2-exclusive) autoWeightThreshold = 1 renderInfl = 0 # render influence objects fallOffMode = 0 # distanceFalloff alg cmd = ('doWrapArgList "{}" {}"{}", "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}"{}').format(version, '{',operation, threshold, maxDist, inflType, exclusiveBind, autoWeightThreshold, renderInfl, fallOffMode,'}') results = mm.eval(cmd) # print cmd #self.mobject = delta_mush else: self.mobject = name self.set_maya_attrs(attr_filter=attr_filter)
# self.set_maya_weights(interp_maps=interp_maps)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_meshes(node): """ Queries the deformer and returns the meshes associated with it. Args: node: Maya node to query. Returns: list od strings: list of strings of mesh names. """ driver_points = mc.listConnections('{}.driverPoints'.format(node)) output_geometry = mc.listConnections('{}.geomMatrix'.format(node)) #output_geometry = mc.listConnections('{}.outputGeometry'.format(node)) out = list() out.extend(output_geometry) out.extend(driver_points) print 'FYUFSF', node, out return out