Source code for zBuilder.nodes.deformer

import maya.cmds as mc
import maya.mel as mm
import zBuilder.zMaya as mz

from zBuilder.nodes.dg_node import DGNode
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Deformer(DGNode): def __init__(self, parent=None, maya_node=None, builder=None, deserialize=None): DGNode.__init__(self, parent=parent, maya_node=maya_node, builder=builder, deserialize=deserialize) if maya_node: self.populate(maya_node=maya_node)
[docs] def spawn_parameters(self): """ Returns: """ objs = {} if self.long_association: objs['mesh'] = self.long_association mesh_names = self.get_map_meshes() map_names = self.get_map_names() if map_names and mesh_names: objs['map'] = [] for map_name, mesh_name in zip(map_names, mesh_names): objs['map'].append([map_name, mesh_name]) return objs
[docs] def build(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Builds the node in maya. mean to be overwritten. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def populate(self, maya_node=None): """ Populates the node with the info from the passed maya node in args. This is deals with basic stuff including attributes. For other things it is meant to be overridden in inherited node. This is inherited from Base and extended to deal with maps and meshes. Args: maya_node (str): The maya node to populate parameter with. """ super(Deformer, self).populate(maya_node=maya_node) self.association = self.get_meshes(maya_node)
[docs] def get_map_meshes(self): """ This is the mesh associated with each map in obj.MAP_LIST. Typically it seems to coincide with mesh store in get_association. Sometimes it deviates, so you can override this method to define your own list of meshes against the map list. Returns: list: List of long mesh names. """ return self.long_association
[docs] def get_mesh_objects(self): """ Returns: """ meshes = list() for mesh_name in self.get_map_meshes(): meshes.extend(self.builder.get_scene_items(type_filter='mesh', name_filter=mesh_name)) return meshes
[docs] def get_map_objects(self): """ Returns: """ maps_ = list() for map_name in self.get_map_names(): maps_.extend(self.builder.bundle.get_scene_items(type_filter='map', name_filter=map_name)) return maps_
[docs] def get_map_names(self): """ This builds the map names. maps from MAP_LIST with the object name in front For this we want to get the .name and not scene name. """ map_names = [] for map_ in self.MAP_LIST: map_names.extend('{}.{}'.format(, map_))) return map_names
[docs] @staticmethod def get_meshes(node): """ Queries the deformer and returns the meshes associated with it. Args: node: Maya node to query. Returns: list od strings: list of strings of mesh names. """ meshes = mc.deformer(node, query=True, g=True) tmp = list() for mesh in meshes: parent = mc.listRelatives(mesh, p=True) tmp.extend(, long=True)) return tmp
[docs] def set_maya_weights(self, interp_maps=False): """ Given a Builder node this set the map values of the object in the maya scene. It first does a mObject check to see if it has been tracked, if it has it uses that instead of stored scene_name. Args: interp_maps (str): Do you want maps interpolated? True forces interpolation. False cancels it. auto checks if it needs to. Default = "auto" Returns: nothing. """ maps = self.get_map_names() scene_name = self.get_scene_name() original_name = self.check_map_interpolation(interp_maps) for map_ in maps: map_data = self.builder.bundle.get_scene_items(type_filter='map', name_filter=map_)[0] weight_list = map_data.values map_ = map_.replace(original_name, scene_name) if mc.objExists('%s[0]' % map_): if not mc.getAttr('%s[0]' % map_, l=True): tmp = [] for w in weight_list: tmp.append(str(w)) val = ' '.join(tmp) cmd = "setAttr " + '%s[0:%d] ' % ( map_, len(weight_list) - 1) + val mm.eval(cmd) else: try: mc.setAttr(map_, weight_list, type='doubleArray') except: pass
[docs] def check_map_interpolation(self, interp_maps): """ For each map it checks if it is topologically corresponding and if it isn't it will interpolate the map if the flag is True. Once the map has been interpolated it updates the stored value before it gets applied in Maya. Args: interp_maps (bool): Do you want to do it? """ map_objects = self.get_map_objects() if interp_maps == 'auto': for map_object in map_objects: if not map_object.is_topologically_corresponding(): interp_maps = True if interp_maps in [True, 'True', 'true']: for map_object in map_objects: map_object.interpolate()